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TNU berättar om den senaste forskningen för Riksförbundet för Huntingtons sjukdom den 1:e juni 2017

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 14 March 2017 TNU är värd för ett råd- och stödgruppsmöte för Riksförbundet för Huntingtons sjukdom i Skåne torsdagen den 1:e juni kl 18.00 - 20.00.Program:18.00-18.10 Välkomna och introduktion av Susanne Zell, RHS18.10-18.40 Föredrag om den senaste forskningen av Åsa Petersén, Lunds Universitet18.40-19.10 Rundtur på for

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/tnu-berattar-om-den-senaste-forskningen-riksforbundet-huntingtons-sjukdom-den-1e-juni-2017 - 2025-01-15

Åsa Petersén assigned to position in psychiatry

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 28 September 2009 Åsa Petersén has been assigned to one of the six positions as senior clinical researcher in psychiatry advertised by the Swedish Research Council.The prestigious position is for three years with a possible extension for three more years, and includes a start-up package of one million Swedish kronor (aro

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/asa-petersen-assigned-position-psychiatry - 2025-01-15

To Melbourne in 2010

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 23 October 2009 Deniz Kirik and Åsa Petersén have been selected as the Allan and Maria Myers International visiting fellows for 2009. As part of this, they are invited to visit the Florey Neuroscience Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The Fellowship provides support for leading international researcher

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/melbourne-2010 - 2025-01-15

Dr Olivier Piguet, Petersén's collaborator from Sydney, visits TNU and Bagadilico May 11-13

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 4 May 2010 Dr. Olivier Piguet is a NHMRC fellow and senior lecturer at University of New South Wales and Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute in Sydney, Australia. He works on frontotemporal dementia and will give a talk Wednesday May 12 at 16.30 in the GK-salen with the title: Facts, feelings and fiction: Clinical

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/dr-olivier-piguet-petersens-collaborator-sydney-visits-tnu-and-bagadilico-may-11-13 - 2025-01-15

Petersén gives a talk at the IBAGS X Meeting, New Jersey, June, 2010

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 7 June 2010 The International Basal Ganglia Society Tenth (IBAGS X) triennial meeting will take place June 20-24, 2010 at Ocean Place Resort, Long Branch, New Jersey. Petersén will give a talk in the session Non-Motor Sequela in Basal Ganglia Diseases with the title: Metabolic disturbances and neuroendocrine changes in H

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/petersen-gives-talk-ibags-x-meeting-new-jersey-june-2010 - 2025-01-15

Dr Anthony Hannan, from the Howard Florey Institute in Melbourne, visits TNU and BRAINS July 12-13

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 24 June 2010 Associate Professor Anthony Hannan runs a research group on Huntington's disease at the Howard Florey Institute in Melbourne, Australia. He will give a talk Monday July 12 at 12.00 in the seminar room at D11 with the title: Molecular mediators and environmental modulators of behavioural endophenotypes in Hun

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/dr-anthony-hannan-howard-florey-institute-melbourne-visits-tnu-and-brains-july-12-13 - 2025-01-15

Summer student

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 5 July 2010 We would like to welcome Nathalie Nilsson! She has a Bachelor degree in Biomedical science from Lund University and has just finished her first year at the Master program in Biomedical science at Lund University. She has received a stipend from the Medical Faculty and will do a research project in TNU during

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/summer-student - 2025-01-15

Professor Stephan von Hörsten from Germany visits TNU and TRAINS

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 30 August 2010 Dr Stephan von Hörsten, Professor for Experimental Biomedicine at Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany, visits TNU and TRAINS September 7. He will give a talk on the title "Very early onset and intervention in a pre-HD-syndrome in transgenic mouse and rat models of Huntington´s di

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/professor-stephan-von-horsten-germany-visits-tnu-and-trains - 2025-01-15

Sofia Hult wins poster award at the 6th EHDN Plenary Meeting, Prague, September, 2010

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 9 September 2010 TNU members Sofia Hult, Rana Soylu, Sanaz Gabery and co-member Niclas Hagen presented their research as posters at the European HD Network (EHDN) meeting in Prague, September 3-5, 2010. Åsa Petersén was elected a member of the Scientific and Bioethics Advisory Committee (SBAC) in the EHDN. 

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/sofia-hult-wins-poster-award-6th-ehdn-plenary-meeting-prague-september-2010 - 2025-01-15

Petersén presents at The Research Day 2-3/11 2010, Lund and Malmö

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 3 November 2010 Forskningens dag (the Research day) is arranged every year by the Medical Faculty at Lund University and Region Skåne. The theme for 2010 is depression and mania. The audience is the general public. Petersen presents her research on hypothalamic changes and depression in HD. The titel is: The hypothalamus

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/petersen-presents-research-day-2-311-2010-lund-and-malmo - 2025-01-15

Petersén is part of the the faculty for a FENS-IBRO Partially Supported School on Metabolic Aspects of Chronic Brain Diseases in Germany, July 2011

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 10 November 2010 A FENS-IBRO Partially Supported School on Metabolic aspects of chronic brain diseases will take place July 20 - 26 2011 in Reisensburg/Günzburg, Germany. Petersén is part of the organizers and the faculty. The school is designed to attract PhD students and postdocs in neurosciences, medicine, metabolism

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/petersen-part-faculty-fens-ibro-partially-supported-school-metabolic-aspects-chronic-brain-diseases - 2025-01-15

New post doc + former Master's student becomes PhD student

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 8 February 2011 Dr Umar M Sajjad starts a postdoctoral fellowship and Sanaz Gabery continues as a PhD student in TNU in February 2011. fjsjfsjDr Umar M. Sajjad has done a PhD on Huntington's disease with Dr Andreas Wyttenbach at the University of Southampton, UK., and now joins TNU as a postdoctoral fellow. Sanaz Gabery

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/new-post-doc-former-masters-student-becomes-phd-student - 2025-01-15

New book on Huntington's disease with Petersén as co-author featured in one of Sweden's largest newspapers

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 11 April 2011 The book "Vi som skulle bli gamla tillsammans" ("We were meant to grow old together") has recently been published by Natur & Kultur. Its main author Petra Lilja Andersson, Lecturer at the Medical Faculty in Lund, has followed a young couple before and after the woman takes a pre-symptomatic genetic test for

https://www.huntington-research.lu.se/article/new-book-huntingtons-disease-petersen-co-author-featured-one-swedens-largest-newspapers - 2025-01-15